Healing through the subconscious mind
All these years we have been living, but we need to ask ourselves, are we alive?
This mechanical rut of life has engulfed us into a cobweb of
societal pressure, so much so that we are instantaneously jumping from one part
of life to another, not waiting for our mind, body or soul to cope. Yet, we
have never thought of checking with our mind or body to see the effect of these
Why is it that we slow down only when our body or mind
threatens to shut down?
Why can’t we be more sensitive and loving towards our body
and mind?
Why can’t we systematically clean them, just like our
clothes or rooms?
It is the need of this hour to pause and look after
ourselves. The citadel of both the mind and body lies in this mysterious part
of the right brain called the subconscious mind. It influences our thoughts,
the conscious mind, body and our behavior. It is the key to holistically
healing our body.
Let me explain with an example. There is a class of bodily
ailments called autoimmune diseases in which the cells of one’s own body act
against it. It shows up in the form of psoriasis, rashes and other inflammations
in different parts of the body. Prior to the occurrence of an autoimmune
disease, there is a high chance the person suffering from the disease was
betrayed by someone very close. This betrayal was taken into their subconscious
mind. Hence, it started acting up in the form of autoimmune diseases (As
mentioned by Dr. Natwar in ‘Metaphors of Memory’).
Once you realize that a simple thought in the subconscious
mind can go a long way in improving your physical as well as mental health, you
have already won the battle. In the above case, a conscious thought of
forgiving the person who betrayed you and of forgiving yourself for making a
wrong judgement is to be made repeatedly.
There are many ways to heal through the subconscious mind,
these include meditation, visualization, and positive affirmations. I believe a
mixture of all the three works to the tee (As mentioned by Dr. Joseph Murphy in
‘The power of subconscious mind’).
I have had bouts of anxiety whenever the exam situation used
to get stressful. I kept remembering a past exam in which I couldn’t give my
best, thus harming my chances of a good opportunity. Hence, I started
practicing meditation. But for some reason, the wound of the past wasn’t
closing. It was then that I put up a poster on my wall with the positive
affirmation," I am forgiving myself of all the mistakes I made in the past. I
am healing".
Initially, I was skeptical of this technique. But observing
this thought everyday and suggesting it every night before I slept, helped me
let go of the past. Although I am not completely healed, I am on the road to
recovery. I have learnt how to live life and I believe that everyone has a path
to follow.
Emotions positive or negative, often clog us. It is better
to experience them and let them go rather than bottling them up and taking them
along in this long journey of life.
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